Monthly Archives: May 2014

Event Announcement! Worker Resistance and Capitalist Development in China: a Discussion with Eli Friedman

We are pleased to announce another great event at  La Peña Cultural Center (3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA) sponsored  by Advance the Struggle and La Peña 2nd Generation.  On Tuesday, May 13th at 6:30pm we will be hosting an event featuring Eli Friedman on contemporary Chinese class struggle.  Please come through and continue supporting these informative events! Details and flier below:

Worker Resistance and Capitalist Development in China: a Discussion with Eli Friedman.

What sorts of possibilities and limits exist for proletarian politics in China? Over the past several years, migrant worker unrest has gone from defensive to offensive and we have witnessed the emergence of new political and social demands. These changes must be understood within the context of rapidly evolving political and economic conditions – especially the central state’s attempt to “rebalance” the economy.

Eli Friedman (assistant professor of International and Compartaive Labor at Cornell University, and author of the forthcoming book “Insurgency Trap: Labor Politics in Post-Socialist China) will draw on examples of recent wildcat strikes and other protests by migrant workers to illustrate these dynamics.

This is a FREE event sponsored by:
Advance the Struggle & La Pena 2nd Generation


Click image for full color flier!

Here is a video from the China in Revolt panel, sponsored by Jacobin, that Eli participated in.

China in Revolt: A Labor Community Roundtable from Jacobin on Vimeo.